Graphic Design

VisionRun USA
VisionRun USA

Promotional flyer for motivational speaker Jason Romero, who was the first blind runner to complete (or even attempt) a trans-continental run. VisionRunUSA.com

business card
Comstock Consulting, LLC

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quarterly fund overview
Empower Retirement

Sample quarterly fund overview.

St. Peter Lutheran Church
St. Peter Lutheran Church

Weekly newsletter publication

Branding Design Concept for Pasadena, CA
City of Pasadena Deferred Compensation Plan

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Branding Design Concept for Metropolitan Art Museum
Metropolitan Museum of Art Retirement Plan

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DAP retirement plan mock boarding passes
DAP Retirement Plan

DAP is retirement plan for pilots. As part of the sales pitch a number of iconic travel items were mocked up and branded in a proposed design concept specific to DAP and their connection to flying. Some of the items included customized passports and boarding passes for each of the attendeees, fleece blankets, and a rolling carry-on over-night bag. The basic premise of the design is iconic vacation destinations viewed through airplane windows.

South Carolina DCP Brochure
South Carolina Deferred Compensation Plan

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